Yeah! The Schedule for the Slab City Riot 3 is up and looks good! Make sure you check it out, you wouldn't want to miss your favorite activity while you were out digging n' fingering sand outta your taco. The highlight in my opinion, aside from the utter bad'dassary of the entire weekend, is going to be the debut of the El Diablo Run 2011 movie! Can't wait to see that... and what goes better than a cold beer with some late night raunchy chrome and hot buttered leather bearded clam 70's biker stag flicks? Why of course, some FREE FREE FREE popcorn from the Wuss Bros Poppery!
We'll have bags upon bags of the stuff ready to hand out.
Did I mention FREE? I think I did!
(limited supply to the first, I don't know, maybe 100 bags...)